6.1.3 Special Considerations for Test Execution and Test Management Tools

In order to have a smooth and successful implementation, there are a number of things that ought to be considered when selecting and integrating test execution and test management tools into an organization.

Test execution tools

Test execution tools execute test objects using automated test scripts. This type of tools often requires significant effort in order to achieve significant benefits.

  • Capturing test approach: Capturing tests by recording the actions of a manual tester seems attractive, but this approach does not scale to large numbers of test scripts. A captured script is a linear representation with specific data and actions as part of each script. This type of script may be unstable when unexpected events occur, and require ongoing maintenance as the system’s user interface evolves over time.

  • Data-driven test approach: This test approach separates out the test inputs and expected results, usually into a spreadsheet, and uses a more generic test script that can read the input data and execute the same test script with different data.

  • Keyword-driven test approach: This test approach, a generic script processes keywords describing the actions to be taken (also called action words), which then calls keyword scripts to process the associated test data.

The above approaches require someone to have expertise in the scripting language (testers, developers or specialists in test automation). When using data-driven or keyword-driven test approaches testers who are not familiar with the scripting language can also contribute by creating test data and/or keywords for these predefined scripts. Regardless of the scripting technique used, the expected results for each test need to be compared to actual results from the test, either dynamically (while the test is running) or stored for later (post-execution) comparison.

Further details and examples of data-driven and keyword-driven testing approaches are given in ISTQBCTAL- TAE, Fewster 1999 and Buwalda 2001.

Model-Based testing (MBT) tools enable a functional specification to be captured in the form of a model, such as an activity diagram. This task is generally performed by a system designer. The MBT tool interprets the model in order to create test case specifications which can then be saved in a test management tool and/or executed by a test execution tool (see ISTQB-CTFL-MBT ).

Test management tools

Test management tools often need to interface with other tools or spreadsheets for various reasons, including:

  • To produce useful information in a format that fits the needs of the organization

  • To maintain consistent traceability to requirements in a requirements management tool

  • To link with test object version information in the configuration management tool

This is particularly important to consider when using an integrated tool (e.g., Application Lifecycle Management), which includes a test management module, as well as other modules (e.g., project schedule and budget information) that are used by different groups within an organization.

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