5.2.3 Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria (Definition of Ready and Definition of Done)

In order to exercise effective control over the quality of the software, and of the testing, it is advisable to have criteria which define when a given test activity should start and when the activity is complete. Entry criteria (more typically called definition of ready in Agile development) define the preconditions for undertaking a given test activity. If entry criteria are not met, it is likely that the activity will prove more difficult, more time-consuming, more costly, and more risky. Exit criteria (more typically called definition of done in Agile development) define what conditions must be achieved in order to declare a test level or a set of tests completed. Entry and exit criteria should be defined for each test level and test type, and will differ based on the test objectives.

Typical entry criteria include:

  • Availability of testable requirements, user stories, and/or models (e.g., when following a modelbased testing strategy)

  • Availability of test items that have met the exit criteria for any prior test levels Availability of test environment

  • Availability of necessary test tools

  • Availability of test data and other necessary resources

Typical exit criteria include:

  • Planned tests have been executed

  • A defined level of coverage (e.g., of requirements, user stories, acceptance criteria, risks, code) has been achieved

  • The number of unresolved defects is within an agreed limit

  • The number of estimated remaining defects is sufficiently low

  • The evaluated levels of reliability, performance efficiency, usability, security, and other relevant quality characteristics are sufficient

Even without exit criteria being satisfied, it is also common for test activities to be curtailed due to the budget being expended, the scheduled time being completed, and/or pressure to bring the product to market. It can be acceptable to end testing under such circumstances, if the project stakeholders and business owners have reviewed and accepted the risk to go live without further testing.

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